Environmental Science (ES)

About our Environmental Science program

Whether we bring nature into the classroom, take students outside to learn, or find impromptu teachable moments, ES has many benefits.

Imagination and enthusiasm are heightened

ES is hands-on, interactive learning that sparks the imagination and unlocks creativity. When EEs is part of a student’s learning they are more enthusiastic and engaged in learning, which raises student achievement in core academic areas.

Learning extends beyond the walls of the classroom

Not only does ES offer opportunities for experiential learning outside of the classroom, it enables students to make connections and apply their learning in the real world.

Critical and creative thinking skills are enhanced

ES encourages students to research, investigate how and why things happen, and make their own decisions about environmental issues.

Tolerance and understanding are supported

ES encourages students to investigate varying sides of issues to understand the full picture. It promotes tolerance of different points of view and different cultures.

Healthy lifestyles are encouraged

ES gets students outside and active, and helps address some of the health issues we are seeing in children today.

Durack School believes the teaching of local environmental practices and the understanding of global sustainability issues is very important. As well as incorporating sustainability across the curriculum the following initiatives have been introduced at Durack School which involve students across the School: 

  • School Garden and animals maintained by students
  • Recycling program for plastics, paper and mobile phones
  • Toad Busts (Cane toads) every term
  • Collection of cans for a container deposit scheme (to be introduced shortly)
  • Participation in National initiatives such as: Walk Safely to School Day, Nude Food Day and Clean Up Australia Day
  • Monitoring of water and electricity usage.
  • Focus on energy and water saving strategies eg water saving taps, sensor lights

Environmental Science (ES)

Environmental Science (ES)

Contact Us

Our friendly staff are standing by to help. Give us a call or send an email.

School opening Times

Students are supervised from 7.50am. Please do not drop children at school before this time.

Students: 8:05am - 2:30pm Front Office: 7:45am - 3:15pm

© 2021 Durack School

Website created by Dash Web Design Darwin.