The nationally agreed goals for schooling affirm that Young Australians need to be Asia Literate and be able to communicate across cultures especially the cultures of Asia. Japanese is the language and culture of focus at Durack School we believe all students should have the opportunity to be a bilingual learner.
Teachers from the Darwin Languages Centre teach the Japanese language to students and teachers from Preschool through to Year 6 in scheduled weekly lessons. The range of activities in the Japanese classes include speaking, listening, reading, writing, singing, calligraphy, art and drama. Students learn to read and write in Kanji and Hiragana. Year 3 and 6 students make videos to share with our sister school Kansai International Academy in Kobe, Japan.
Students demonstrating a high ability of Japanese language competence in Year 3 to Year 6 are invited to take part in the Japanese extension classes where they share Japanese cultural activities such using Japanese currency, cooking, craft, social norms and connect with our Japanese Sister School. Year 3 and 4 students participate in a lunchtime Origami Club where they learn the Japanese craft of paper folding.
Our friendly staff are standing by to help. Give us a call or send an email.
Students are supervised from 7.50am. Please do not drop children at school before this time.
Students: 8:05am - 2:30pm Front Office: 7:45am - 3:15pm
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