Durack School Governance

Gaining independent status

In 2016 Durack School became an Independent Public School (IPS). This involved a change in structure as we transitioned from a school council to a school board. 

Gaining independent status

Becoming an IPS allows the Principal and the School Board greater control over the future direction of the school. The Principal can exercise a higher level of autonomy particularly in relation to staff selection, human resource delegations, governance and the teaching and learning programs. Durack School is still part of the public education system and must adhere to industrial and legislative requirements however operates under different accountability and governance structures to other Northern Territory non-IPS schools. 

School Board

Durack School works closely with an active School Board, under the direction of Christopher Saetta, School Board Chairperson. The School Board works collaboratively with the Principal and school staff to achieve the best outcomes for students. The School Board has oversight for the broad strategic direction of the school and has input into, school policies and upcoming school projects, finances and school fundraising events.

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Contact Us

Our friendly staff are standing by to help. Give us a call or send an email.

School opening Times

Students are supervised from 7.50am. Please do not drop children at school before this time.

Students: 8:05am - 2:30pm Front Office: 7:45am - 3:15pm

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